January 25, 2009

Lost Vale Map

Since i saw another map of the Lost Vale floating around now, i figured there is no use to keep you guys waiting longer. Of course my map has more information and does look better. ;)
As a bonus for those that participated in the Lost Map Challenge, i gave them credit for unlocking the map on the map itself. Thanks for joining the fun! As for the last question from Challenge III: How many Gorgers in total live inside the Gorger Cave in Enclave? It was 29 in total when i went in there. The other two challenges would have been "find that place" and i would have posted screenshots, you had to find the place. I'll keep those for some upcoming challenge...

Here you can grab the high-definition 1600x1900 Lost Vale Map (choose free user).


Anonymous said...

Noooo I tried to help I was just wrong haha

Anonymous said...

Amazing work, thank you very much for your effort!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic work!

Anonymous said...

hahah yeah must've missed this post :P too bad the third challenge wasn't complete though, i was looking forward to more challenges ;D

btw yay my name is there <3


Anonymous said...

Cheers! But it looks like the domain you posted the map on has been suspended. I'm not sure if it's me or them though, but thought you might wanted to know.


Thulf said...

Thanks for letting me know. I uploaded the map to a filehoster, until my gallery is finished.