September 19, 2008

The Sacellum Arena - Inevitable City

You already know about the Sacellum dungeons (I'll post info on the other wings during the weekend) but what about that large arena structure that houses them? While exploring the city i assume most did have a peak there - and maybe got slaughtered by some of the fighting mobs in there. For a low level they are deadly and will kill you rather quickly. The huge giant Friderax is easy to spot. Usually hes chained and does not move, but from time to time the PQ "The Bigger They Are..." starts inside the arena. You have to collect 50 Dark Drought barrels at the guy on top of the stairs, run down into the arena and pour them into the giants cup (left back corner of the arena). Next part is to kill the drunken giant... right. We tried to advance it a bit but the time is short and you have to dodge all those mobs inside the arena, when they are not occupied fighting each other. Looks like it will be fun later on tho.

What more is inside the arena to find you ask? Quite a lot of other interesting things... If you run through the arena (use flee once you get attacked) there is a place at the top of the arena fighting pit where you'll find Lord Engra Deathsword and his counsellors, one does hand out the quest Test of the Arena (Sacellum dungeons). Engra seems like a powerful lord, better not disturb him for too long.

It should be noted that there is a quest inside the city where you have to find mushrooms (starts inside one of the taverns), one shroom grows on the arena floor.

Now turn around, behind the lord and his companions far in the back you can see a mysterious portal. It's possible to reach it by jumping from floating isle to isle, climbing some tunnels, etc. It's a marvellous view from up there, don't fall down tho. ;) The portal leads to the Winds of Chaos, which I'll write about later today. This will be a strange journey i can tell you... it's fun that there is so much to explore in warhammer online.

It's worth to have a closer look around while you make your way for the portal. There is a guard trying to kill a prisoner, giving you a tome unlock for the lore of the Inevitable City.
Sidenote: You wonder why this is the first tome unlock i write about? Well, i'll write about a lot of things and also explore places with you... but I'll not write about any title, tactic or item unlocks i found for the Tome of Knowledge. I might give you a pointer here and there, but i think some stuff should be left as a surprise. So the only ones I'll write about are history & lore related ones that can be found at strange places.


Anonymous said...

Greetings. Thanks for the cool posts. Your blog is very informative. One question though, I never was able to find the Sacellum tunnels to do the kill-the-gladiator quest... If I take the portal, I get in the dungeon, and it's not the same game, even for a LVL 30 Chosen on his own.

thanks a lot.


Thulf said...

Well, the dungeons are supposed to be grouped for. As a rank 40 it's easy to go there solo.. so if you have trouble, you'll need to get someone else to come with you. Unok is inside the west wing.